Saturday, August 27, 2011

Cookie Jar Sim's Summer Party HUNT!

Here's what CUBE has to offer to the Summer Garden Party Hunt!

A white dresser that opens and closes.
It's useful.
It saves you space.
It's stylish!
It's only 1L!

Also, ALL items in the market stall are either 50L or less! There's one house in there: fully furnished and it's only 50L!

Monday, August 22, 2011

New stuff !

New Stuff at the Cookie Jar Marketplace:

Most of those are 150L or less.

The pillows have different animations.
The wine bottle dispenses a glass when touched.

Candles can be turned on and off

A cork board with different modifiable pictures. 

Also, on August 26th, the Cookie Jar Sim will hold its Summer Garden Party. I will be giving out a hunt item for only 1L  and there be a special promo for the CUBE market stall on that day (ALL items will be either priced at 50L or less! Which includes, skyboxes and furniture sets) So, mark your calendars everyone! I'll see you there!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Random Decorations all for less than 99L!

These are all available at the Cookie Jar Sim for only 99L or less. 
They are also found in the Cube mainstore, although they are back in their regular prices.